Java Gym App
A college project where I built a simple CRUD interface using Java to render a simple in-browser experience.
The project was a personal idea and somehow challenge driven. The received task was extremely simple (in my personal view, given nearly 2 years of college have passed by then) and involved writing a simple terminal application.
The requirements? Read and write data from a .txt file, allow adding club members and displaying a mock “monthly receipt”. And it has to be Java. I approached this differently, given that at that point I already knew I git extremely passionate about Web and had zero interest in writing yet another collection of
calls. And so I read the docs to learn Spring, MVC model, templating system and working with an ORM to create a basic app that is made in Java and stores data remotely, yet meets the requirements.
What goals?
- Expanding Java knowlegde beyong terminal run code.
- Using a framework to go beyond PHP, HTML, CSS and jQuery.
- Use modern JS instead of jQuery where bits of client side interactivity are present.
- Gain a passmark by going an extra mile.
- Simple in-browser UI to deliver required features.
- Basic responsiveness.
- CRUD operations. Well, maybe CRD only. Edition is not included as the requirements did not ask for it.